Steel member/segment design to NZS 3404:1997:
- covers standard UB, UC, RSC, CHS, SHS, and RHS sections as well as custom welded I-sections and spiral welded pipe
- flexure, axial, shear and combined actions
- ambient temperature and fire design
- elastic through to fully ductile design
Steel beam design capabilities for a single steel member:
- simple, fixed or spring end supports
- trapezoidal and point loading; applied end moments
- basic load combinations
- member segmentation
- member strength (flexure and shear) and serviceability check
Release notes
V4.2 Date 31/7/2023
- Update fy values used for CWB-G300M
- Improve behaviour when loading incomplete data file
- Better error handling on CWB screen
- Update minor axis element slenderness limits applicability under seismic designs (see new Section 7.9.4 in User Manual)
- Correct torsional constant J for RHS-S355 section library
- Improve handling of non-standard regional settings
- Add extended notes on weld performance to User Manual
- Fix use of Table 12.5 for RHS sections
- Fix possible incorrect display of calculations when multiple instances of MemDes are running
- Include MemDes+/V1.7 with:
- Negative distributed and point loading
- User-defined applied end moments
- Major update to assessment of critical flange and associated segmentation algorithm
- Sagging moments now treated as positive
- Graphics updates, especially labelling; show critical flange on segmentation diagram
- Better error handling on CWB screen
- Improve treatment on PCs with non-standard regional settings
- Force creation of custom section folder on startup (avoids errors on some PCs)
- Fix inconsistent treatment of invalid data when drawing MemDes+ loading diagram
V4.1 Date 30/6/2022
- Allow for reduction of the gross cross-section area due to penetrations and holes
- Update applicability of the alpha-m limit in Cl
- Custom headers defined for PDF output of calculations
- New standard section types WB/WC-G300+ and WB/WC-G400; update SHS/RHS availability
- Fix interpretation of Table 5.2 for RHSs
- New UI for Clear, Save, SaveAs, Open, MRU functionality + various other UI improvements
- Fix calculation where web is critical under minor axis bending for asymmetric CWB
- Alpha-m screen is now decoupled from design moment, and only defines the shape of the bending moment along segment
- Include MemDes+/V1.6 with:
- Field ‘sanity’ checks
- Custom headers defined for PDF output of calculations
- Inclusion of new standard section types
- Adjust segmentation algorithm
V4.0 Date 5/11/2021
- Customised properties for standard sections
- User and project libraries of saved custom sections
- User-specified fy for custom welded beams
- Output calculations to PDF; improve calculation formatting
- List most recently used files
- Batch mode allowing multiple analyses in a single run
- Update implementation of NZS 3404 Cl 8.1.4, Table 12.5 and Cl
- Various UI improvements
- Include MemDes+/V1.5 with:
- Use of custom sections saved in MemDes section libraries
- User-specified fy for custom welded beams
- Report (unfactored) fixed-end moments for each load type
- Batch mode
V3.8.2/1.4 Date 12/8/2021
- Include MemDes+/V1.4 with:
- Fixed deflection calculation for CWB
- Use of decimal point in CWB input fields
- Improved output formatting
- Output calculations to PDF
- Auto mode
V3.8.2 Date 4/6/2020
- Fix implementation of NZS 3404 Cl for tapered beams
- Batch/auto option
- Add hollow sections to EN 10219
V3.8.1 Date 1/11/2019
- Correct output detail when checking CHS section requirement
- Fix incorrect slenderness check for CWB webs under minor axis bending
- Include MemDes+/V1.2 with:
- Inelastic design types and minimum section category
- Custom welded beam option
V3.8 Date 30/04/2019
- Retain saved and loaded moments used in assisted calculation of alpha-m
- Include CWB-350 section type/grade
- Correct implementation of Cl
V3.7.1 Date 26/11/2018
- Update slenderness limits for RHS sections (refer NZS 3404 Table 5.2)
V3.7 Date 29/5/2018
- Incorporate version 1.0 of MemDes+, which allows analysis and design of steel members (flexure, shear and deflection)
- Improve report formatting
- Fix application of Cl for CHS sections
- Apply file type associations, and allow double-clicking in Windows Explorer to open data files
- Fix minor UI issues
V3.6 Date 14/12/2017
- Correct ordering of sections for some section types
- Fix issue with properties of some square hollow sections not loading correctly
V3.5 Date 24/5/2017
- First SESOC-branded version, with standard SESOC registration process.
- Compatible with Windows 10, with an updated user manual and minor interface improvements. Includes some indication of section availability (especially hollow sections).
- MemDes was originally written by New Zealand Steel Ltd as a design aid to professional structural engineers for the design of structural steel members to NZS 3404:1997. In 2016, a version of MemDes was transferred to SESOC, and the software is now available from SESOC for the use of its members.
The following download includes both MemDes and MemDes+ bundled in a single install file:
Note: If you are trying to locate your SESOC software registration key (SRK), please login then go to where your SRK should be shown at the bottom of the page.