SESOC | Soils

The Soils program provides design capability to New Zealand building code document B1/VM4 in three main areas:

  • shallow foundations (rectangular and circular pad footings; restrained and unrestrained strip footings)
  • deep foundations (free and head restrained)
  • retaining (cantilever pole and reinforced concrete retaining walls)

V3.3.2 Date 25/4/2024
Improve Soils processing of circular pad footing for large moment
Minor UI updates

V3.3.1 Date 9/6/2022
Fix issue when displaying subscripts on PDF output

V3.3 Date 6/4/2022
Increase font (and form) size
Minor updates to graphics, including toolbar
Update About screen, including SESOC logo
Associate *.sls files with Soils, and allow opening by double-clicking on file
PDF calculations output

V3.2.2 Date 13/3/2020
Improvements when switching between analysis types
Minor improvements to user interface under ‘skins’
Build 2126, 25/6/2020: Fix misbehaviour of themed file open/saveas etc dialog boxes; improve robustness of analysis initialisation on some PCs; fix invalid date/time conversion on some PCs

V3.2.1 Date 12/4/2018
UI updates

V3.2 Date 13/5/2015
Improvements to results output, updated field range checks, allow override of field range checks, some additions to input options

V3.1  Date: 28/8/2013
Minor bug fixes to calculation engine and improvements to user interface

V3.0  Date: 30/1/2013
Rewrite of user interface.  New registration process allowing choice of online (immediate) activation and email-based activation.  Minor bug fixes to calculation engine.

V2.65  Date: 30/12/2010
Change to contact address.  Minor bug fixes.

V2.60  Date: 16/6/2008
Major version change of all output from text files to rich text fully formatted files. Update and correct output. Colour code pass or fail of capacity ratio. Provide Save Open and Print of calc files in the main Menu.

V2.56  Date: 3/12/2007
A correction relating to allowable shear stress in concrete walls. This version now aligns with NZS 3101 2006. A warning message shows when Vc exceeds Øvn and if increasing the depth still leaves an inadequate shear capacity, then to do a hand calculation.

Members are reminded that this is a “living” program concept and improvements come from the feed back that you give.


Soils v3.3.2 6.8 MB 740 downloads

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